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Sempliċiment Tat-Triq

It all started in a town in the Northern Region of Malta #RBT, Żdong and Ħaxxaxxin, co-founding members of the notorious Maltese hiphop crew Sempliċiment Tat-Triq (STT) stand true to their name and produce an abrasive, vitriolic style that challenges middle-class sensibilities. They mainly choose to rap in Maltese, the only semitic language written in Latin letters.

Since 2011, Sempliċiment Tat-Triq have released 3 Mixtapes Wisq Żibel (2011), Ħorrox Borrox (2012), Versi Perversi (2012) and had planned to issue a full-length album by 2013 which has not materialised as of yet. Instead, they released a Demo entitled Qumu Minn Hemm (2014). The crew were recognised for their release Iswed Tnejn Zokkor, with an MMA nomination for Best Local HipHop Track of 2012. This is not something STT typically cares for, but the Malta Music Awards elevated STT's status from being relatively unknown to becoming a big name in the local music scene, beyond the underground HipHop circuit.


In the following 2 years, Sempliċiment Tat-Triq toured in Europe 4 times, with the tour including events in France, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, and Austria.

They played squats, social centres, clubs and pubs, festivals, ruined castles, boxing rings, village squares and anywhere else deemed worthy of STT's music.


STT have now been part of countless local gigs, collaborations, and 6 European tours, including an extensive 29-day tour for their CD Album, Dellijiet ta’ l-Istess Pezza (2016), which addressed socio-political concerns and openly expressed STT's ideology.

STT never stopped from producing their art and living their message with 100% commitment. At points, life gets in the way, but this has not stopped STT, instead making them stronger and more united than ever, thanks to the loyalty and respect from their fans. This was the perfect time to introduce official new members. 

2020 was the year of ongoing work and creating a bigger stronger vision for what STT represent. Sempliċiment Għal-Infinita (2021) latest album featuring REA, Bume, Ill Porcell, DJ MAC, Zack Walters & Funky Monkey.

2020 closed off with #CYPHER 2020 a small teaser of what is there to come.

The following years were a transition phase, with a lot of experimentation and changes in the lineup, and other unexpected collaborations, events, and tours.

Sempliċiment Tat-Triq will soon be back, ready to dominate the local HipHop scene, and beyond.



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Ħajbu X Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Aħjar Dak Iż-Żmien [Official Video]
141 Records

Ħajbu X Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Aħjar Dak Iż-Żmien [Official Video]

Ħajbu X Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Aħjar Dak Iż-Żmien ft. Żdong & Funky Monkey (produced by CLEIGH) out now via 141 Records Stream & Download: Spotify: Soundcloud: Apple Music: Amazon Music: iTunes: Follow Ħajbu: Website: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify: Follow Sempliċiment tat-Triq: Website: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: YouTube: Spotify: Follow 141 Records: Website: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: YouTube: Spotify: - 141 Crew Director: Luke Camilleri, Reżo & Żdong Production Manager: Luke Camilleri Production collaboration - Quality Trash Media Director of Photography: Christian Schembri Assistant AC: Kurt Anastasi Location scouting: Funky Monkey & Żdong Editor: Christian Schembri Colorist: Christian Schembri Graphic Design: Luke Camilleri MĊ - Ħajbu, Funky Monkey & Żdong Composer - Clayton Gauci (CLEIGH) Lyrics - Ħajbu, Funky Monkey & Żdong Translation - Kurt Abela Production - CLEIGH pre-recording - Funky Monkey at Ghoul Studio Recorded, co-produced, Mixed & Mastered - CLEIGH at AISO Productions Special Thanks - Terminus Bar, Żurrieq Ċentru Rikreattiv Boċċi Guy Club, Żurrieq Dalton's Chauffeur Services Neil “Depth” Fenech. Ismael “Żmanja” Brincat. #141Crew #141Records #Hajbu #SemplicimenttatTriq #141 #STT #WŻK13 Copyright © 2023 141 Records All rights reserved
Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Divina ft. Zack Walters [Official Video]
141 Records

Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Divina ft. Zack Walters [Official Video]

. : Sempliċiment Tat-Triq : . - Divina [Official Video] out now via 141 Records Track 08. from the upcoming EP | Sempliċiment Għall- Infinitá 14|06|2021 Stream & Download: Spotify: Soundcloud: Apple Music/iTunes: Deezer: Amazon Music: Discogs: Napster: Follow Sempliċiment Tat-Triq Website: Facebook: Instagram: SoundCloud: YouTube: Discogs: Spotify: Follow 141 Records Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: YouTube: Discogs: Spotify: Supported by Beautiful Sinners Barber & Jukebox Era - Crew Produced by 141 Crew Director: Luke Camilleri DOP: Malcolm Camilleri Artistic Director: Żdong Head Of Production: Luke Camilleri Editor: Malcolm Camilleri Colorist & Special effects: Malcolm Camilleri Production Manager: Luke Camilleri MĊ - Żdong Guitars - Zack Walters Composer - Quattro Albe, Funky Monkey, Żdong Lyrics - Żdong Production - Quattro Albe & Funky Monkey Recorded, co-produced, Mixed & Mastered by Funky Monkey at 141 Records Styling - Jukebox Era Featuring - Jade Handford Lyrics - #SempliċimentTatTriq #STT #WŻK #HIPHOPWESQ #141Crew #141Records Copyright © 141 Records All Rights Reserved
Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Iswed Tnejn Zokkor

Sempliċiment Tat-Triq - Iswed Tnejn Zokkor

-ISWED TNEJN ZOKKOR- Prod. Gilson & S.T.T. Music Video produced by S.T.T. & No Sweat Productions filming, editing, post production by Nick Morales # 13 # W.Ż.K. # 6/16 MUŻIKA # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ma , ma bicca, ma bicca wahda , ma bicca wahda trid idahak l-ewwel ma mohhna trid tlahaq imma nahseb ahjur(ahjar) wiccek tbahbah lahlah u qum minn dik ir-raqda u ifem li ahna inhloqna biex bin-natura nkunu mdawra ent !? (int) bil-gideb li tixrob hajtek kanna sempliciment tat-triq !?min qiegh multa(malta) tana inkantaw , nibzqu(nobzqu) f`kull kommunita , lokalita, belt, rahal minn ghawdex al malta waqt li nesploraw kull uzu al kull tip ta karta eqtew(aqtaw) qabel naqbdu u nqetew(inqataw) kull kmandament li jitanta ma gisimna , ruhna u l-kuxjenza lirika esplicita,zibluta(ziblata) imensa astrata daqs l-inteligenza nisfnu z-zifna mad-dahna,ahna delijiet tal-istess pezza al minn ihebbna(ihobbna) grazzi al minn jobodna ax ahna dik it-tip ta razza b`hekk m`hemmx kwerenza ma l-ebda bott awww, min qiegh ir-rahal tful(tfal) tajba klika al-kull waqa`, tizbita infittxu d-dija nipruvaw nitilew(nitilaw) targa ohra mal-bqija nitgerbu erba` ohra imma neqtew(naqtaw) qalbna insija ax aw il-kantunieri jghalu daqs il-ktieli l-imhuh mifquwa il-qlub imkisra il-hajja mignuna qahba bl-uzura il-qahba mignuna l-hajja bl-uzura l-iskula(skola) dahku bik talem il-lezzjuni(lezzjoni) thaliex is-sitema titradik il-banek bi skup(skop) il-pajjizi qed ifallu uwww hallik mis-self u minn m`ghandux jghix ma min andu zibellllllllllllll kun lest al granet helwa u granet morra minn jaqlah u jikila (jikol) u minn bla dhul imma xorta irrid jitrejaq minn mohhu biex jigi dahna u minn mohhu biex jitfejaq minn qass tufu(tafu) tahsbu stramb sa ma lillu tuf(taf) issir minn jaghjat li sinjur zghir fir-realtu(realta) hu qammiel kbir huwww il-mistoqsija oht il-gherf kugin tizloqx fin-niexef tgholiex(tgheliex) it-ton ta lehnek ax aw hadd minna m`hu don imma aw bicca tifel ibelhek gurdien xih !? iwensek TREWIMA , INGDIMNA , TELIMNA (tghalimna) mill-izbalji tana u li graw madwurna (madwarna) minn aw jew minn hemm dejjem emina fina infisna murna fejn murna (morna) dejjem murna b`hilitna flimkien bkejna , flimkien dhakna hin investejna , liri tajarna it-triq adotatna , stil ta hajja tutna(tatna) gieli noqodu ingergru ax dejjem l-istess dejjem l-istess , imbad jinqala xi zopp kif imess(imiss) u nkun nixtiequ li killex(kollox) baqa kif kien, WESQQQ iswed tnejn zukkor(zokkor) kienu jiehdu iswed tnejn zukkor odom(adom) jiehdu il-kapella, il-lukanda,il-katidral,il-bosk iz-zghir fejn ta spess(spiss) kienu jghidu li leli mar jixel xama ( xema) lil san frangisk waqt li sant`antnin jipruva(jiprova) isib tarf ta dawn l-angli l-mitlufin li mal-madonna tas-sahha ikunu imdawrinnn ! S.T.T. .: UNDERGROUND HIP HOP M A L T A :. 2012

